Content coming soon!

Matt Gitzedanner
Genomics, genome assembly

Brad Barbazuk
Formation; genetic, genomic, ecological consequences; alternative splicing.

Sixue Chen
Proteomics and multi-omics of Tragopogon

Lucas Boatwright
Genome evolution in polyploids

Evgeny Mavrodiev
Genetics of introductions from Eurasia

Patrick Schnable
Genome evolution in polyploids

Shengchen Shan
CRISPR and Tragopogon transformation

Jennifer Tate
Genetics and genomics of synthetic polyploids; Tragopogon in New Zealand; cytonuclear coordination

Blaine Marchant
Ecological niches of Tragopogon in their native and introduced ranges

Pam Soltis
Formation, genomic, ecological, and evolutionary consequences of polyploidy; using Tragopogon as a means of teaching about evolution

Doug Soltis
Formation; genetic, genomic, ecological consequences; outreach and education, website

Richard Buggs
Genome evolution in young polyploids

Mike Chester
Chromosome composition and genome evolution of polyploids

Kasey Pham
Genome assembly and annotation

Jonathan Spoelhof
Ecology-common garden, crossing data and formation, website

Ingrid Jordon-Thaden
Polyploid evolution, population genetics

Vaughan Symonds
Genetics and genomics of synthetic polyploids; Tragopogon in New Zealand.