Frozen tissue

wdt_ID Rack Collection year Sample number Taxon Taxon origin Cross confirmed Tissue type Tissue amount (grams)
1 1 2.005 2605-5 miscellus natural NA L 1,50
2 1 2.005 2604-30 miscellus natural NA L 1,50
3 1 2.005 2605-14 miscellus natural NA L 1,50
4 1 2.005 2604-10 miscellus natural NA L 1,50
5 1 2.005 2604-24 miscellus natural NA L 1,50
6 1 2.005 2608-7 pratensis natural NA L 1,50
7 1 2.005 2605-42 miscellus natural NA L 1,50
8 1 2.005 2604-35 miscellus natural NA L 1,50
9 1 2.005 2605-24 miscellus natural NA L 1,50
10 1 2.005 2604-15 miscellus natural NA L 1,50
Rack Collection year Sample number Taxon Taxon origin Cross confirmed Tissue type Tissue amount (grams)

You can also download the table in Excel format: Soltis_Tragopogon_tissue_inventory

The file above contains a list of frozen tissue samples that are currently stored in the Soltis lab at the University of Florida. Please contact Jon Spoelhof (at spoelhof dot jon at ufl dot edu) to ask a question or request a tissue sample.

Column label Description
Rack Number on the sample’s current tube rack
Collection year Year of tissue collection
Sample number Number written on the sample. Synthetic polyploids may have an “R” (for mirus) or “M” (for miscellus), but in most cases this letter was removed, and the species was noted in the “taxon” column
Taxon Species or cross
Taxon origin on tube = taxon noted on sample’s tube, natural = natural lines and their progeny, cross = crossed plants and their progeny (including synthetic polyploids)
Cross confirmed Whether or not the progeny of a cross was confirmed as a hybrid or self
Tissue type L = leaf, F = flower, FB = flower bud
Tissue amount (grams) Approximate amount of tissue in grams
1. The numbers on samples were often hard to read because of degradation in the freezer or ambiguous handwriting. Samples where part of the number was illegible are often noted with a question mark. Some of the sample numbers are likely incorrect, especially those containing 4s, 7s, or 9s, as these were occasionally written in an ambiguous style.
2. Unless the Taxon_origin for a sample is “on tube”, the taxon was determined by cross checking the number against old records of collections and crosses. Therefore, the taxon information may be incomplete. In the case of crosses, an unconfirmed cross may be an F1, a self (if the cross was not successful or emasculated), a synthetic polyploid, or the selfed progeny of any one of these categories. Please contact Jon with any inquiries about specific samples.